Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Residential Fires this Season

Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Residential Fires this Season

Spring brings us fresh air and motivates most people to give their homes a thorough cleaning. Make sure your annual ritual of spring cleaning includes these following areas:

Check the major appliances

As you’re going through the house with your spring cleaning checklist, be sure to take time to clean out your major appliances. Pay extra attention to your stove for any built-up grease that could be a potential fire hazard in the future.

Another vital appliance to be mindful of is your dryer. With every batch of laundry, you have probably established a good habit of cleaning out the lint trap. However, spring cleaning is a great reminder to check within the compartment that the lint trap is pulled out of as well as the vent pipe. Here, you may find loose lint that has accumulated, creating a potential danger to your home.

Prevent fires by de-cluttering

Spring cleaning is all about getting rid of that unnecessary clutter around your home.  In addition, you should be checking for anything that could cause a potential fire or could block one of your exits should a fire to occur. This is especially important to those who tend to accumulate piles of newspapers or magazines.

Locate all chemicals and flammable liquids

Basket full of cleaning suppliesIt’s important to keep all of your cleaning fluids, gasoline, paints, and landscaping chemicals in a safe place within your property. The area should be located outside of your house in a cool and dry place. Also, take inventory and make sure to label all chemicals and materials to ensure your family’s safety.

Inspect your safety devices

Spring is a great time to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for expired devices or low batteries. A smoke detector should be replaced after 10 years and a CO detector is due to be replaced after seven. Remember to make sure to inspect the conditions of your fire extinguisher or fire sprinkler system as well.

This year, consider the installation of a fire sprinkler as part of your spring cleaning. Fire Tech Residential Sprinklers, LLC has a team of professionals ready to help you check that item off of your list. Give us a call today to learn more about our various sprinkler designs and receive a free estimate!

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