Tag Archives: fire safety

6 Common Household Items That Can Cause Fires

6 Common Household Items That Can Cause Fires

Many tasks in our life become routine, to the point where we no longer notice them. Activities such as making breakfast or drying our hair are simply banal parts of life that don’t often require our attention. We become entranced while going through the motions, and this is actually a large cause of residential fires.… Continue Reading

Spring Cleaning to Prevent Fires

Spring Cleaning to Prevent Fires

While cleaning, it is important to make sure that your home is as fire safe as possible. Following are a few cleaning items to add to your to-do list to help prevent residential fires. Replace Batteries Make sure there are fresh batteries in your fire detector and carbon monoxide detectors. These devices should be tested… Continue Reading

Home Fire Safety Tips

Home Fire Safety Tips

With everyone spending more and more time at home, fire safety has become more important than ever. It is crucial to remember fire safety protocol to ensure the security of your home and family. Here are a few home fire safety tips to remember: Cooking When cooking, it is important to be mindful. Never leave… Continue Reading

The Impact of Smoke from Home Fires

The Impact of Smoke from Home Fires

When caught in a house fire, it is incredibly rare victims succumb to injury from contact with the fire itself. That’s because most fatalities are rooted in smoke inhalation. The origin of most fatalities in structure fires, smoke inhalation greatly reduces oxygen intake and leads to lost consciousness, leaving you defenseless from the elements. Smoke… Continue Reading