Tag Archives: fire

Tips on Maintaining Your Home Sprinkler System

Tips on Maintaining Your Home Sprinkler System

According to statistics, 74% of all deaths in the U.S., caused by fire, happen within the home. Installing a sprinkler system, provides protection, saves lives, and restores peace of mind. Unfortunately, many homeowners neglect to maintain their systems; which is the saddest news a fire marshall has to report. If a sprinkler system is in… Continue Reading

Facts About Fire Sprinklers

Facts About Fire Sprinklers

In the event of a fire, the heat from the flames activates a sensor in the sprinkler heads closest to the fire and release water immediately.  Only the sprinkler heads in the vicinity of the fire will activate.  The sprinkler system will allow the affected sprinkler to quickly reduce the heat from the fire.   Contrary… Continue Reading

Household Appliances to Check Before Leaving the House

Household Appliances to Check Before Leaving the House

So many things in our life become routine to the point where we no longer notice them. Activities, like making breakfast or drying our hair, are everyday parts of life that don’t often require our attention. When you are simply “going through the motions”, it can be easy for accidents to occur. It is important… Continue Reading